During the Summer Breaks, Elon Musk migrated to California to undertake two additional Internship Quests (Step 6) in the heart of Silicon Valley, in order to further sharpen his Skills (Step 4). By day, he worked at Pinnacle Research Institute, an intellectual hub teeming with some of the world's most astute engineers researching on Ultracapacitors. This engagement significantly bolstered Musk's Knowledge and Abilities regarding cutting edge battery technologies.

At night, Musk transitioned into his Internship Quest at Rocket Science Games, enhancing his expertise in Gameful Design and Software Engineering. Interestingly, the industry-transforming Visionary Innovator, Steve Jobs, initiated his illustrious journey within the gaming sphere at Atari as well. Jobs was deeply inspired by Gameful Design principles, notably the concept of intuitive simplicity - “insert coin and start playing**” with no manual necessary. 

Alongside Musk's first Business Quest of creating “Blastar,” there seems to be true gamification secrets of success hidden within games, just waiting to be discovered by those who are intellectually Curious enough to dig into them. 

**Specifically, Step 2 was “Avoid Klingons,” a reference to the nefarious alien race from the iconic Star Trek series.